More Superstars!

Well done to these SUPERSTARS for being amazing mathematicians, Bloggers, and for working so hard.

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Thank You!

Wow!! We are at the end of yet another school year.

Thank you so much P3/4 for genuinely being the best class in the whole world!!
A further huge ‘thank you’ to your parents for being so supportive.

A third ‘thank you’ for my lovely presents and cards. I felt quite overwhelmed by your kindness.

I will miss you all greatly but we will still meet down the corridors!

Have a wonderful, relaxing holiday.

Thank you once again,

Miss Bate


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Problems with the Blog

You have probably been wondering why out Blog has not had updated photographs, information etc. It is because our Blog has not been working properly for quite a while and it would not let me upload anything!!

I think as it is getting towards the end of the school year it is simply best to wait until the new class Blogs in August.

I have however managed to create a new page in which the MOL Numeracy Guide for Parents can be found. It is a very extensive document and we hope that it will prove useful.


Miss Bate

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Wet Wonders!

Well done P3/4 for not complaining once whilst getting soaked in PE. Mrs Brown was very proud of you all!



Well done R for always working so hard!


Sorry, I cannot post the pictures!


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Welcome Back!

I hope that you all had a lovely Easter break. I was lucky enough to go to the Canary Islands and so I feel very relaxed!

It is very hard to think that we are in our final term. In mathematics we will be focussing on fractions and decimals, learning our times tables (and related division facts) and looking at the many different ways in which data can be displayed.

Our first topic is based on technology and the children will be each making a moving vehicle. We will then be finding out more about the Commonwealth Games.

As always, thank you for your continued support,

Miss Bate

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What a wonderful bunch!

Well done for winning so many certificates!


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Happy Holidays!

The Science week proved to be a wonderful way to end such a busy term.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Miss Bate

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Potty Professors!

Don’t we look amazing!?!


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Fun During Science Week!

We have had so much fun exploring a wide range of experiments.

Here are just a few pictures!

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We are all superstars!

Well done P3/4 for being the best class in the whole world!! You have all won the Headteacher’s Award as well as the award for mathematics.

Well done to those who won individual Pupil and Blogging Awards.

You are amazing!

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