Wet Wonders!

Well done P3/4 for not complaining once whilst getting soaked in PE. Mrs Brown was very proud of you all!



Well done R for always working so hard!


Sorry, I cannot post the pictures!


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1 Response to Wet Wonders!

  1. Amanda Lach says:

    Hi Miss Bate – sorry to post on here but didn’t want to post on the main page – Can a request be made to Tempest to offer traditional Class Photo’s – The A4 size is ideal for storing in an album but the long ones… well I did buy the first one with the whole school as it was the first school photo when it opened but haven’t since.. I know they are modern but a bit impractical – I did look on the Tempest web site but there wasn’t anywhere to leave a comment. Kind regards
    Amanda Lach

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