Amazing Maths!

Solution to the Elf Suit Problem

There were 256 different combinations!

4 x 4 x 4 x 4, this equals 256. Therefore the elves would not run out of combinations until 256 days worth of different suits.

Well done for all those who attempted this challenge. It was a bit of fun and something to get you thinking/drive you mad!

There lots of really amazing maths games on the following site:

When using the Interactive Resources site, the pupil log-in is    molpupil     and the pupil password is    school

I have made a folder called ‘P3/4 Miss Bate’ and if you look in it you will find lots games to do with subtraction.

Do post a comment letting us know how useful you found these sites.

To help us learn our doubles and near doubles we have been very busy making and playing games which help us to become even quicker with our facts.

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This week we are practising our doubles and near doubles using numbers up to 20 and beyond.

For example, double 9 is 18, 6 plus 5 (double 5 plus 1 or double 6 minus 1).

It would be great if you could practise these at home and see how fast you can get! If you have not answered in 2 seconds then you do not really know it well enough.

Knowing doubles and near doubles really helps the children with their mental calculations.

Miss Bate

89 Responses to Amazing Maths!

  1. Alasdair says:

    I liked making the bread yesterday yum yum

  2. Alasdair says:

    i liked making the bread yesterday

  3. Alasdair says:

    Maths is really fun in school.

  4. Alasdair says:

    My favourite times table is my 5s

  5. lois maton says:

    i think the moly mol’s are realy good so far

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